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Unlimited Features For All Users.

Food Business
Total Control

Your Ultimate Tool for Efficient Restaurant Operations
— From Kitchen to Customer.
Start Free Trial
Restaurant POS & Management System

Main Features


Recipe management & costing

Real-time recipe tracking and accurate cost calculations. Optimize ingredients and boost profitability, all in one place.

Unlimited Outlet Control

Centrally manage all your outlets. Real-time sync and custom pricing per location.

Employee & Payroll Mastery

Streamlined scheduling and payroll. Keep your team happy and efficient.

Real-Time Analytics Suite

Live sales data and deep analytics. Make smarter decisions, instantly.

Waiter App Integration

Equip your staff with our Android app. Faster service and less room for error.

Multichannel Sales & Bookings

Sell and reserve across multiple platforms. Never miss an opportunity.

Compliance & Tax Automation

Stay within legal bounds. Automated tax calculations and waste tracking.

Easy Data Migration

Switching from Lavu or Foodstory? Smooth data migration with our support.
About The POS

All-Inclusive Restaurant Management

EZFood PRO is more than a simple point of sale system; it's your control center for restaurant operations. With its intuitive dashboard, you gain immediate access to critical business metrics and effortless navigation through numerous functionalities.

  • Tick

    Dashboard-Driven Insights

    One glance at your dashboard tells you everything you need to know. Live sales metrics, inventory levels, and staff performance—all in one screen for quick, informed decisions.

  • Tick

    All-Encompassing Functionality

    From the dashboard, manage everything from order processing to inventory and staff schedules. This all-in-one hub eliminates the need for multiple tools, streamlining your restaurant management.


Retail stores




Positive Rating


Award Winning

POS Features

Additional Key Features


Online Ordering

Increase sales with a custom URL for easy online orders.

Tax Compliance

Automated local tax calculations for legal peace of mind.

Printer Compatibility

Easily connect with a wide range of commercial printers. Click here.

QR Code Ordering

Enable swift and convenient tableside ordering via QR codes.

Menu Trends

Real-time insights into what's popular on your menu.

Customer Loyalty

Built-in loyalty programs to reward and retain customers.

Your Toolbox for
Restaurant Success

Retail Stores

Live Analytics




Vendor Management


Staff Scheduling


Menu Flexibility


Loyalty Rewards

To take advantage of our exclusive launch promotions, please click on the "Contact Us" button below.

Special Launch Offer



29$ /month
Get 14 Days Free Trial
  • 1 Outlet
  • Full POS
  • Unlimited Menu
  • 5 Users
  • Reservation
  • Loyalty
  • QR Code
  • Online
  • Stock Alert
  • Full Reports
  • Android App
  • All Unlimited
  • Chat Support
  • Hardware not included


59$ /month
Get 14 Days Free Trial
  • 3 Outlets
  • Full POS
  • Unlimited Menu
  • 15 Users
  • Reservation
  • Loyalty
  • QR Code
  • Online
  • Stock Alert
  • Full Reports
  • Stock Transfer
  • Android App
  • All unlimited
  • Chat & Video Support
  • Save 28$/month
  • Hardware not included

Michelin Star

139$ /month
Get 14 Days Free Trial
  • Unlimited Outlets
  • Full POS
  • Unlimited Menu
  • Unlimited Users
  • Reservation
  • Loyalty
  • QR Code
  • Online
  • Stock Alert
  • Full Reports
  • Stock Transfer
  • Android App
  • All unlimited
  • Chat & Video Support
  • Best Price Guaranteed
  • Hardware not included

Frequently Asked Questions


Q1. How to migrate to EZFood PRO?

Migrating from other software platforms, including FoodStory and LAVU, is a straightforward process. Simply export all your data into a CSV file and then import it into EZFood PRO. We offer dedicated support through chat or video calls, depending on the plan you've subscribed to.

Q2. How does Offline Sync work?

Should your internet connection be interrupted, the POS system will continue to operate offline. All data will be automatically synchronized once your internet connection is restored.

Q3. Managing multiple outlets: costs?

You can manage virtually an unlimited number of outlets based on your subscribed plan. Additional costs are applied for each extra outlet up to a certain threshold. After reaching that threshold, you will automatically move to the next tier, which comes with discounted rates. For managing unlimited outlets, please subscribe to "Michelin Star" plan.

Q4. Is hardware included?

EZFood PRO is a software-only solution. You are free to purchase hardware separately from your preferred retailer and secure your own warranties. The platform is accessible via the web on any computer, tablet, or mobile devices.

Q5. Apps provided with EZFood PRO?

A waiter app compatible with Android is provided free of charge with all subscription plans but only during the launch period. Following the launch period, EZFood reserves the right to adjust its pricing policy. While iOS is not currently supported, existing iOS devices can still access EZFood PRO via the web.
Contract Us

If you have any queries, feel free to contact us.

We are dedicated to providing you with the best restaurant management solutions. Whether you have questions about features, pricing plans, or technical support, our team is here to assist you.



Unit 04, 7/F, Bright Way Tower, Hong Kong

Email Address


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Comments (3)

  1. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt but in certain circumstances.

    1. YSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt but in certain circumstances.

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